“The grass does not grow faster by pulling.”
As executive coach I help managers to develop their leadership role. As business coach I am sparringpartner for strategic questions and healthy growth.
After an extensive career in the Animal Health pharmaceutical industry I followed again my heart and started my own company in 2019. I use my experience, successes ánd struggles, gained in many management situations to help others in developing their own leadership.
Executive Coaching
Business Consultancy

Being a former CEO and integration manager of several acquisitions myself, I help companies with their strategy, culture and business operations.
“As a manager you can learn to sense the issues in a company.”

“Jan Jaap dares to confront and has a good dose of humour, which often means working on the cutting edge”
In these years you have been a reference for all the Italian team. And this may seem obvious as you have been our boss. But I had quite a lot of bosses and I know there are many ways for acting as a boss. In you I think I found a direct, open minded, honest and clever leader. This way of acting is neither easy nor obvious to do and I hope I’ll be able to act like this with my colleagues in the future.
Jan Jaap is een heel fijne, rustige coach die je tot inzichten laat komen waarmee je verder kunt. Daarnaast heeft hij de gave om zaken in een korte tijd in het juiste perspectief te zetten. Ingewikkelde organisatorische zaken worden met behulp van Jan Jaap snel inzichtelijk gemaakt.
Jan Jaap is able to distill from lots of information the right information to determine a strategy. By his way of questioning he is able to quickly assess where it is all about and communicate this very clear to others. Simply said: he is capable to bring a complex situation or process or problem quickly back to one A4
“I use my own experience and struggles to help others developing their leadership role”